Saint Saëns, Charles Camille, a French musician, born in Paris; for 19 years organist of the Madeleine; composer of quite a few operas (e. St. Pierre, Henri Bernardin de, French novelist, born at Havre; an engineer by occupation, was a disciple of Rousseau each sentimentally and speculatively; his chief work, “Paul and Virginia” (q. Lake of the Thousand Isles; is navigable for big steamers so far as Montreal: the Ottawa is its chief tributary; in winter navigation is suspended on account of the ice. St. Petersburg (1,036), capital of Russia, an imposing city, occupying a dreary, remoted site at the pinnacle of the Gulf of Finland, on the banks and delta islands (100) of the Neva, founded in 1702 by Peter the great; numerous bridges span the main stream and its numerous divisions; huge stone quays hold again the waters, however a rise of 12 ft. Kansas City, is a vital railway centre; as capital of Buchanan County it possesses quite a few State buildings and Roman Catholic schools; does a large commerce in pork-packing, iron goods, &c. 2, Also capital (17) of the French colony of Senegal, in West Africa. St. Louis, 1, One in every of the good industrial cities (575) of the United States, capital of Missouri State; situated on the Mississippi (right here spanned by two nice bridges), 21 m.
St. Michael’s Mount, an islet, forming a precipitous granite mass, in Mount’s Bay, Cornwall, related with the mainland by a low causeway passable only at low tides; a tremendous previous castle crowns its rocky peak, and a small fishing village lies sheltered on the northern aspect. SE. of Calais; has a wonderful previous Gothic cathedral, a ruined Benedictine abbey church, a Catholic school, arsenal, &c.; manufactures embrace light textiles, tobacco pipes, &c. SE. of Rochefort; recognized in ancient instances as Mediolanum; has some splendid Roman remains, a cathedral, &c.; manufactures copper and iron items, leather, &c. 48 sq. m.; its palaces and authorities buildings for quantity and grandeur are unsurpassed; Neva View is the best avenue in Europe; is the centre of Russian political, literary, scientific, and inventive life; has a university, quite a few academies, cathedral, technical and training schools, and libraries (the Imperial Public Library accommodates 1,200,000 vols.); linked with the Volga basin by a canal, and the centre of 4 railways, it’s the industrial metropolis and chief port of Russia, and carries on half the international commerce; exports one-fifth of the corn of Russia, besides flax, linseed, leather-based, petroleum, &c.; imports coal, equipment, &c.; principal manufactures are cotton goods and other textiles, leather-based, sugar, porcelain items, &c.
St. Thomas, 1, an unhealthy volcanic island (20) in the Gulf of Guinea, belonging to Portugal; produces coffee, cocoa, and a few spices; chief town, St. Thomas (3), a port on the NE. Gulf of St. Lawrence, forming a broad estuary; is 750 m. Saint-Victor, Paul de, an ornate French writer, born in Paris; from 1851 was engaged in dramatic and different criticism, and established his fame as a stylist of unusual brilliance. Saintsbury, George, literary critic, born at Southampton; graduated at Merton College, Oxford; was engaged in scholastic work for numerous years at Manchester, Guernsey, and Elgin; in 1876 settled in London, and made a repute for vigorous and scholarly criticism, devoting much of his time to French literature; elected to the Chair of English Literature in Edinburgh University, 1895; is the writer of a “Short History of French Literature,” a “Short History of English Literature,” apart from a number of volumes of essays, &c.; b.
In a Time article, Cathy Young states that the California “sure means yes” legislation is unlikely to make sexual predators much less more likely to attack or keep victims protected; she says it creates unclear and capricious guidelines on sexual exercise and moves the burden of proof to those who are accused, who are usually male. Make strategic choices as to what can be attended, the spectacle or the stage-fingers. St. Nicholas, the patron saint of boys, who was fabled to carry presents to good kids on Christmas eve; was bishop of Myra in the 4th century, and had taken a particular curiosity within the younger. An investigation by the Special Victims Unit identified Bell, who off obligation on the time, because the suspect needed in reference to the incident. Within the conflict which ensued, the British troops who invaded Zulu territory met with a severe reverse; and, though the catastrophe was in the end retrieved by Lord Chelmsford, the war concerned heavy expenditure and brought little credit score to the British military, whereas one unfortunate incident, the demise of Prince Napoleon, who had obtained go away to serve with the British troops, and was shocked by the Zulus while reconnoitering, created a deep and unfortunate impression.